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Refrigerated/heated circulating baths ecocoolR | Type: ecocool 100R, Capacity litres: 5, Heating capacity W: 2160
Refrigerated/heated circulating baths ecocoolR | Type: ecocool 100R, Capacity litres: 5, Heating capacity W: 2160
Merk: Grant Instruments Ltd.Beschikbaar in 2 variantenConsisting of two models, all products in the ecocoolR range are supplied assembled as ready to use kits, complete with accessory hosing, clips and connectors as standard.Choice of two models, temperature range -25 °C to 150 °C (model dependent)3 year warranty with Grant renowned service and support, no registration requiredActive cooling through the whole temperature rangeTrue energy saving of up to 80 % against standard compressor unitsThermostat and chiller work in harmony, neither will operate alone, eliminating any danger of overheating or freezingSingle front switch for user convenienceModern, sleek, attractive design
Refrigerated/heated circulating baths ecocoolR | Type: ecocool 150R, Capacity litres: 6, Heating capacity W: 2280
Refrigerated/heated circulating baths ecocoolR | Type: ecocool 150R, Capacity litres: 6, Heating capacity W: 2280
Merk: Grant Instruments Ltd.Beschikbaar in 2 variantenConsisting of two models, all products in the ecocoolR range are supplied assembled as ready to use kits, complete with accessory hosing, clips and connectors as standard.Choice of two models, temperature range -25 °C to 150 °C (model dependent)3 year warranty with Grant renowned service and support, no registration requiredActive cooling through the whole temperature rangeTrue energy saving of up to 80 % against standard compressor unitsThermostat and chiller work in harmony, neither will operate alone, eliminating any danger of overheating or freezingSingle front switch for user convenienceModern, sleek, attractive design

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