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Standard PDF Data Logger EBI 300 | Type: EBI 300 TE, Range start temperature °C: -35, Measuring range temperature °C: 70
Standard PDF Data Logger EBI 300 | Type: EBI 300 TE, Range start temperature °C: -35, Measuring range temperature °C: 70
Merk: Xylem Analytics Germany (EBRO)Beschikbaar in 3 variantenPDF data logger with different temperature sensors.For temperature monitoring related to HACCP / IFS issues or other perishable goodsTransportation of fresh, cool and deep cool productsMonitoring of fridges and deep freezersEvaluation without software, PDF are automatically generatedMinimise training, user errors and IT costs using EBI 300's simple, easy to use design and standard softwareEnsure data integrity since no data manipulation is possibleEN 12830, ATP, VO(EG) 37/2005 CompliantFactory calibration certificate includedProgrammable via the free online configurator at www.ebi300.comNo separate interface for programming and readingEBI 300: PDF data logger with internal temperature sensorEBI 300 TE: PDF data logger with external temperature sensor, internal temperature sensor can be used additionallyEBI 300 TH: PDF data logger with external humidity and temperature sensor, internal temperature sensor can also be used
Standard PDF Data Logger EBI 300 | Type: EBI 300 TH, Range start temperature °C: -30, Measuring range temperature °C: 70
Standard PDF Data Logger EBI 300 | Type: EBI 300 TH, Range start temperature °C: -30, Measuring range temperature °C: 70
Merk: Xylem Analytics Germany (EBRO)Beschikbaar in 3 variantenPDF data logger with different temperature sensors.For temperature monitoring related to HACCP / IFS issues or other perishable goodsTransportation of fresh, cool and deep cool productsMonitoring of fridges and deep freezersEvaluation without software, PDF are automatically generatedMinimise training, user errors and IT costs using EBI 300's simple, easy to use design and standard softwareEnsure data integrity since no data manipulation is possibleEN 12830, ATP, VO(EG) 37/2005 CompliantFactory calibration certificate includedProgrammable via the free online configurator at www.ebi300.comNo separate interface for programming and readingEBI 300: PDF data logger with internal temperature sensorEBI 300 TE: PDF data logger with external temperature sensor, internal temperature sensor can be used additionallyEBI 300 TH: PDF data logger with external humidity and temperature sensor, internal temperature sensor can also be used
Standard PDF Data Logger EBI 300 | Type: EBI 300, Range start temperature °C: -30, Measuring range temperature °C: 70
Standard PDF Data Logger EBI 300 | Type: EBI 300, Range start temperature °C: -30, Measuring range temperature °C: 70
Merk: Xylem Analytics Germany (EBRO)Beschikbaar in 3 variantenPDF data logger with different temperature sensors.For temperature monitoring related to HACCP / IFS issues or other perishable goodsTransportation of fresh, cool and deep cool productsMonitoring of fridges and deep freezersEvaluation without software, PDF are automatically generatedMinimise training, user errors and IT costs using EBI 300's simple, easy to use design and standard softwareEnsure data integrity since no data manipulation is possibleEN 12830, ATP, VO(EG) 37/2005 CompliantFactory calibration certificate includedProgrammable via the free online configurator at www.ebi300.comNo separate interface for programming and readingEBI 300: PDF data logger with internal temperature sensorEBI 300 TE: PDF data logger with external temperature sensor, internal temperature sensor can be used additionallyEBI 300 TH: PDF data logger with external humidity and temperature sensor, internal temperature sensor can also be used

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