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Accessories for Chemvac Hybrid Vacuum Pumps | Description: Öl LABOVAC 14 5 liter for chem.applications
Accessories for Chemvac Hybrid Vacuum Pumps | Description: Öl LABOVAC 14 5 liter for chem.applications
Merk: Gardner Denver Thomas GmbHBeschikbaar in 4 varianten
Accessories for Diaphragm vacuum pumps and pump systems LABOPORT® / LABOBASE® | Description: Parts Kit, For: N 860.3 FT.40.18 / SBC 860.40
Accessories for Diaphragm vacuum pumps and pump systems LABOPORT® / LABOBASE® | Description: Parts Kit, For: N 860.3 FT.40.18 / SBC 860.40
Merk: KNF NEUBERGER GmbHBeschikbaar in 7 varianten
Accessories for ME 1, ME 1C and MZ 1C | Description : Vacuum regulator valve for ME 1C and MZ 1C
Accessories for ME 1, ME 1C and MZ 1C | Description : Vacuum regulator valve for ME 1C and MZ 1C
Merk: Vacuubrand GmbH & Co.KGBeschikbaar in 2 variantenVacuum regulator valve for ME 1, ME 1C and MZ 1C with manual vacuum control using air bleed. The manometer can be mounted and pivoted in several orientations for optimal visibility. High chemical compatibility (especially with the vacuum regulator valve for ME 1C)
Accessories for Vacuum Pump Systems LABOBASE® / LABOPORT® | Type : Vacuum supply point - unregulated, for installation in laboratory equipment (PPS), For : LABOBASE®
Accessories for Vacuum Pump Systems LABOBASE® / LABOPORT® | Type : Vacuum supply point - unregulated, for installation in laboratory equipment (PPS), For : LABOBASE®
Merk: KNF NEUBERGER GmbHBeschikbaar in 4 varianten
Accessories for vacuum pump systems LABOPORT® SC | Description: Battery pack for controller, For: SC 820 G / SC 840 G
Accessories for vacuum pump systems LABOPORT® SC | Description: Battery pack for controller, For: SC 820 G / SC 840 G
Merk: KNF NEUBERGER GmbHBeschikbaar in 2 varianten
Accessories for Vacuum Pump Systems N 920 | Type: Parts Kit for N 920 KT.18, For: N 920
Accessories for Vacuum Pump Systems N 920 | Type: Parts Kit for N 920 KT.18, For: N 920
Merk: KNF NEUBERGER GmbHBeschikbaar in 2 varianten
Accessories for Vacuum Pump Systems SC 920 G, SC 950, SCC 950 | Type : Wall fixture for remote control, For : SC 920 G, SC 950, SCC 950
Accessories for Vacuum Pump Systems SC 920 G, SC 950, SCC 950 | Type : Wall fixture for remote control, For : SC 920 G, SC 950, SCC 950
Merk: KNF NEUBERGER GmbHBeschikbaar in 5 varianten
Accessories for Vacuum Pumps LABOPORT® / N 920 G | Description: Parts Kit, For: N 86 KN.18
Accessories for Vacuum Pumps LABOPORT® / N 920 G | Description: Parts Kit, For: N 86 KN.18
Merk: KNF NEUBERGER GmbHBeschikbaar in 4 varianten
Accessories for Vacuum pumps Rotavac | Description : Condenser, For : Vario Control / Vario Tec / Vario Pumpstand
Accessories for Vacuum pumps Rotavac | Description : Condenser, For : Vario Control / Vario Tec / Vario Pumpstand
Merk: Heidolph InstrumentsBeschikbaar in 2 varianten
Accessories for VARIO Chemistry Pumping Unit 3002/3003/3004 | Description : Exhaust Vapour Condenser Peltronic®, Plug type : -
Accessories for VARIO Chemistry Pumping Unit 3002/3003/3004 | Description : Exhaust Vapour Condenser Peltronic®, Plug type : -
Merk: Vacuubrand GmbH & Co.KGExhaust Vapour Condenser Peltronic®: Fully automatic electronic control of cooling surface temperature and fan
Accessory for vacuum pump systems LABOPORT® | Module no. : 3, Type : High-performance condenser
Accessory for vacuum pump systems LABOPORT® | Module no. : 3, Type : High-performance condenser
Merk: KNF NEUBERGER GmbHBeschikbaar in 3 variantenModules for LABOPORT® system vacuum pumps.See details outlined below for the relevant descriptions.
Chemistry Diaphragm Vacuum Pumps with ATEX compliance | Type : MD 4C EX, max. discharge flow m³ / hr. : 3.7, Ultimate vacuum without / with gas ballast mbar (abs.) : 3 / 10
Chemistry Diaphragm Vacuum Pumps with ATEX compliance | Type : MD 4C EX, max. discharge flow m³ / hr. : 3.7, Ultimate vacuum without / with gas ballast mbar (abs.) : 3 / 10
Merk: Vacuubrand GmbH & Co.KGBeschikbaar in 5 variantenATEX chemistry diaphragm pumps offer all advantages of oil-free chemistry diaphragm pumps. Typical applications are rotary evaporators and drying ovens with potentially explosive atmospheres. The ATEX approval includes the interior of the pump (in contact with pumped gases) as well as the surrounding area of the pump.Outstanding chemical resistance and superior vapor toleranceMainly made of antistatic materialsFlame proof motor with integrated, self-locking overload and excess temperature protection for direct 230V / 50Hz single phase power supplyOverpressure safety relief valves internally and at outletWith separate gas ballast connection part for use of inert gasSafety diaphragm technology with option for inert gas purge and detection of diaphragm breakageATEX compliance:Pump chamber (pumped gases): II 2G IIC T3 XExterior space (pump environment): II 2G IIB T4 X (with inert gas purging) / II 3G IIB T4 X (without inert gas purging)Speed-controlled ATEX VARIO vacuum pumps on request.

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