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Automated live cell imaging system Celloger® Mini Plus | Type: Celloger® Mini Plus, Description: With bright field and fluorescence imaging (green), Magnification: 10x
Automated live cell imaging system Celloger® Mini Plus | Type: Celloger® Mini Plus, Description: With bright field and fluorescence imaging (green), Magnification: 10x
Merk: Curiosis Inc.Beschikbaar in 6 variantenThe Celloger® Mini Plus is an automated live cell imaging system based on bright field and fluorescence microscopy technology and is suitable for a wide range of cell analysis applications in biological and clinical research. The compact design enables the system to be used in CO2 incubators. This allows cell cultures to grow undisturbed and be easily monitored remotely in real-time or with the time-lapse function.Fully motorized camera for multi-position imaging of well platesPrecise autofocusingMultiple focal planes can be captured with the Z-stacking functionHigh-resolution CMOS image sensorCapture time-lapse images and create time-lapse videosUser-friendly softwareAlso suitable for culture flasks and Petri dishes. Please order suitable holders separately.
Automated live cell imaging system Celloger® Mini Plus | Type: Celloger® Mini Plus, Description: With bright field and fluorescence imaging (green), Magnification: 4x
Automated live cell imaging system Celloger® Mini Plus | Type: Celloger® Mini Plus, Description: With bright field and fluorescence imaging (green), Magnification: 4x
Merk: Curiosis Inc.Beschikbaar in 6 variantenThe Celloger® Mini Plus is an automated live cell imaging system based on bright field and fluorescence microscopy technology and is suitable for a wide range of cell analysis applications in biological and clinical research. The compact design enables the system to be used in CO2 incubators. This allows cell cultures to grow undisturbed and be easily monitored remotely in real-time or with the time-lapse function.Fully motorized camera for multi-position imaging of well platesPrecise autofocusingMultiple focal planes can be captured with the Z-stacking functionHigh-resolution CMOS image sensorCapture time-lapse images and create time-lapse videosUser-friendly softwareAlso suitable for culture flasks and Petri dishes. Please order suitable holders separately.
Automated live cell imaging system Celloger® Mini Plus | Type: Celloger® Mini Plus, Description: With bright field and fluorescence imaging (red), Magnification: 10x
Automated live cell imaging system Celloger® Mini Plus | Type: Celloger® Mini Plus, Description: With bright field and fluorescence imaging (red), Magnification: 10x
Merk: Curiosis Inc.Beschikbaar in 6 variantenThe Celloger® Mini Plus is an automated live cell imaging system based on bright field and fluorescence microscopy technology and is suitable for a wide range of cell analysis applications in biological and clinical research. The compact design enables the system to be used in CO2 incubators. This allows cell cultures to grow undisturbed and be easily monitored remotely in real-time or with the time-lapse function.Fully motorized camera for multi-position imaging of well platesPrecise autofocusingMultiple focal planes can be captured with the Z-stacking functionHigh-resolution CMOS image sensorCapture time-lapse images and create time-lapse videosUser-friendly softwareAlso suitable for culture flasks and Petri dishes. Please order suitable holders separately.
Automated live cell imaging system Celloger® Mini Plus | Type: Celloger® Mini Plus, Description: With bright field and fluorescence imaging (red), Magnification: 4x
Automated live cell imaging system Celloger® Mini Plus | Type: Celloger® Mini Plus, Description: With bright field and fluorescence imaging (red), Magnification: 4x
Merk: Curiosis Inc.Beschikbaar in 6 variantenThe Celloger® Mini Plus is an automated live cell imaging system based on bright field and fluorescence microscopy technology and is suitable for a wide range of cell analysis applications in biological and clinical research. The compact design enables the system to be used in CO2 incubators. This allows cell cultures to grow undisturbed and be easily monitored remotely in real-time or with the time-lapse function.Fully motorized camera for multi-position imaging of well platesPrecise autofocusingMultiple focal planes can be captured with the Z-stacking functionHigh-resolution CMOS image sensorCapture time-lapse images and create time-lapse videosUser-friendly softwareAlso suitable for culture flasks and Petri dishes. Please order suitable holders separately.
Automated live cell imaging system Celloger® Mini Plus | Type: Celloger® Mini Plus, Description: With bright field imaging, Magnification: 10x
Automated live cell imaging system Celloger® Mini Plus | Type: Celloger® Mini Plus, Description: With bright field imaging, Magnification: 10x
Merk: Curiosis Inc.Beschikbaar in 6 variantenThe Celloger® Mini Plus is an automated live cell imaging system based on bright field and fluorescence microscopy technology and is suitable for a wide range of cell analysis applications in biological and clinical research. The compact design enables the system to be used in CO2 incubators. This allows cell cultures to grow undisturbed and be easily monitored remotely in real-time or with the time-lapse function.Fully motorized camera for multi-position imaging of well platesPrecise autofocusingMultiple focal planes can be captured with the Z-stacking functionHigh-resolution CMOS image sensorCapture time-lapse images and create time-lapse videosUser-friendly softwareAlso suitable for culture flasks and Petri dishes. Please order suitable holders separately.
Automated live cell imaging system Celloger® Mini Plus | Type: Celloger® Mini Plus, Description: With bright field imaging, Magnification: 4x
Automated live cell imaging system Celloger® Mini Plus | Type: Celloger® Mini Plus, Description: With bright field imaging, Magnification: 4x
Merk: Curiosis Inc.Beschikbaar in 6 variantenThe Celloger® Mini Plus is an automated live cell imaging system based on bright field and fluorescence microscopy technology and is suitable for a wide range of cell analysis applications in biological and clinical research. The compact design enables the system to be used in CO2 incubators. This allows cell cultures to grow undisturbed and be easily monitored remotely in real-time or with the time-lapse function.Fully motorized camera for multi-position imaging of well platesPrecise autofocusingMultiple focal planes can be captured with the Z-stacking functionHigh-resolution CMOS image sensorCapture time-lapse images and create time-lapse videosUser-friendly softwareAlso suitable for culture flasks and Petri dishes. Please order suitable holders separately.
Automated live cell imaging system Celloger® Mini | Type: Celloger® Mini
Automated live cell imaging system Celloger® Mini | Type: Celloger® Mini
Merk: Curiosis Inc.The Celloger® Mini is an automated live cell imaging system based on bright field microscopy technology and is suitable for a wide range of cell analysis applications in biological and clinical research. The compact design enables the system to be used in CO2 incubators. This allows cell cultures to grow undisturbed and be easily monitored remotely in real-time or with the time-lapse function.Fully motorized XY stage for multi-position imaging of well platesPrecise auto-focusingHigh quality 4X lensHigh-resolution CMOS image sensorCapture time-lapse images and create time-lapse videosIntuitive UI/UX and easy confluence data captureUser-friendly softwareAlso suitable for culture flasks and Petri dishes. Please order suitable holders separately.
Automated live cell imaging system Celloger® Nano | Type: Celloger® Nano, Description: With bright field and fluorescence imaging (green), Magnification: 10x
Automated live cell imaging system Celloger® Nano | Type: Celloger® Nano, Description: With bright field and fluorescence imaging (green), Magnification: 10x
Merk: Curiosis Inc.Beschikbaar in 6 variantenThe Celloger® Nano is an automated live cell imaging system based on bright field and fluorescence microscopy technology and is suitable for a wide range of cell analysis applications in biological and clinical research. The compact design enables the system to be used in CO2 incubators. This allows cell cultures to grow undisturbed and be monitored in real-time or with the time-lapse function.Stage controller for manual positioning of the cell culture vessels (±6 mm)Precise autofocusingCapture one-point time-lapse images and create time-lapse videosUser-friendly softwareCompact design with light weight
Automated live cell imaging system Celloger® Nano | Type: Celloger® Nano, Description: With bright field and fluorescence imaging (green), Magnification: 4x
Automated live cell imaging system Celloger® Nano | Type: Celloger® Nano, Description: With bright field and fluorescence imaging (green), Magnification: 4x
Merk: Curiosis Inc.Beschikbaar in 6 variantenThe Celloger® Nano is an automated live cell imaging system based on bright field and fluorescence microscopy technology and is suitable for a wide range of cell analysis applications in biological and clinical research. The compact design enables the system to be used in CO2 incubators. This allows cell cultures to grow undisturbed and be monitored in real-time or with the time-lapse function.Stage controller for manual positioning of the cell culture vessels (±6 mm)Precise autofocusingCapture one-point time-lapse images and create time-lapse videosUser-friendly softwareCompact design with light weight
Automated live cell imaging system Celloger® Nano | Type: Celloger® Nano, Description: With bright field and fluorescence imaging (red), Magnification: 10x
Automated live cell imaging system Celloger® Nano | Type: Celloger® Nano, Description: With bright field and fluorescence imaging (red), Magnification: 10x
Merk: Curiosis Inc.Beschikbaar in 6 variantenThe Celloger® Nano is an automated live cell imaging system based on bright field and fluorescence microscopy technology and is suitable for a wide range of cell analysis applications in biological and clinical research. The compact design enables the system to be used in CO2 incubators. This allows cell cultures to grow undisturbed and be monitored in real-time or with the time-lapse function.Stage controller for manual positioning of the cell culture vessels (±6 mm)Precise autofocusingCapture one-point time-lapse images and create time-lapse videosUser-friendly softwareCompact design with light weight
Automated live cell imaging system Celloger® Nano | Type: Celloger® Nano, Description: With bright field and fluorescence imaging (red), Magnification: 4x
Automated live cell imaging system Celloger® Nano | Type: Celloger® Nano, Description: With bright field and fluorescence imaging (red), Magnification: 4x
Merk: Curiosis Inc.Beschikbaar in 6 variantenThe Celloger® Nano is an automated live cell imaging system based on bright field and fluorescence microscopy technology and is suitable for a wide range of cell analysis applications in biological and clinical research. The compact design enables the system to be used in CO2 incubators. This allows cell cultures to grow undisturbed and be monitored in real-time or with the time-lapse function.Stage controller for manual positioning of the cell culture vessels (±6 mm)Precise autofocusingCapture one-point time-lapse images and create time-lapse videosUser-friendly softwareCompact design with light weight
Automated live cell imaging system Celloger® Nano | Type: Celloger® Nano, Description: With bright field imaging, Magnification: 10x
Automated live cell imaging system Celloger® Nano | Type: Celloger® Nano, Description: With bright field imaging, Magnification: 10x
Merk: Curiosis Inc.Beschikbaar in 6 variantenThe Celloger® Nano is an automated live cell imaging system based on bright field and fluorescence microscopy technology and is suitable for a wide range of cell analysis applications in biological and clinical research. The compact design enables the system to be used in CO2 incubators. This allows cell cultures to grow undisturbed and be monitored in real-time or with the time-lapse function.Stage controller for manual positioning of the cell culture vessels (±6 mm)Precise autofocusingCapture one-point time-lapse images and create time-lapse videosUser-friendly softwareCompact design with light weight

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