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Front apron SL F 26 X-ray protection, L, lead equal value 0,25mm Pb shoulder 53cm, hip size 70cm, chest 110cm
Front apron SL F 26 X-ray protection, L, lead equal value 0,25mm Pb shoulder 53cm, hip size 70cm, chest 110cm
Front apron SL F 26 X-ray protection, M, lead equal value 0,25mm Pb shoulder 48cm, hip size 60cm, chest 100cm
Front apron SL F 26 X-ray protection, M, lead equal value 0,25mm Pb shoulder 48cm, hip size 60cm, chest 100cm
Reinforcement films for X-Ray cassettes | Format mm: 180 x 240
Reinforcement films for X-Ray cassettes | Format mm: 180 x 240
Merk: Dr.Goos-Suprema GmbHBeschikbaar in 4 variantenReinforcement films Universal B 1CaWo4, blue.
Reinforcement films for X-Ray cassettes | Format mm: 200 x 400
Reinforcement films for X-Ray cassettes | Format mm: 200 x 400
Merk: Dr.Goos-Suprema GmbHBeschikbaar in 4 variantenReinforcement films Universal B 1CaWo4, blue.
Reinforcement films for X-Ray cassettes | Format mm: 240 x 300
Reinforcement films for X-Ray cassettes | Format mm: 240 x 300
Merk: Dr.Goos-Suprema GmbHBeschikbaar in 4 variantenReinforcement films Universal B 1CaWo4, blue.
Reinforcement films for X-Ray cassettes | Format mm: 356 x 432
Reinforcement films for X-Ray cassettes | Format mm: 356 x 432
Merk: Dr.Goos-Suprema GmbHBeschikbaar in 4 variantenReinforcement films Universal B 1CaWo4, blue.
thyroid protection SL SD lead equal value 0,35mm Pb neck size 40-52cm
thyroid protection SL SD lead equal value 0,35mm Pb neck size 40-52cm
X-Ray cassettes | Format mm: 180 x 240
X-Ray cassettes | Format mm: 180 x 240
Merk: Dr.Goos-Suprema GmbHBeschikbaar in 4 variantenStandard design with lead lining and snap fit lid.easy to open, easy to close with gentle pressure.firm, consistent support for films through special shaping: base pre-formed with convex profile.flexible, pure aluminium base (Absorption 1.2mm Al-value) flim processed in framesAluminium base coated in impact-resistant paintAnodised aluminium frameElastic foam for film protectionSpecifically designed for autoradiography at 70°CUse our reinforcement films in the blue sensitivity range with these X-Ray cassettes.
X-Ray cassettes | Format mm: 200 x 400
X-Ray cassettes | Format mm: 200 x 400
Merk: Dr.Goos-Suprema GmbHBeschikbaar in 4 variantenStandard design with lead lining and snap fit lid.easy to open, easy to close with gentle pressure.firm, consistent support for films through special shaping: base pre-formed with convex profile.flexible, pure aluminium base (Absorption 1.2mm Al-value) flim processed in framesAluminium base coated in impact-resistant paintAnodised aluminium frameElastic foam for film protectionSpecifically designed for autoradiography at 70°CUse our reinforcement films in the blue sensitivity range with these X-Ray cassettes.
X-Ray cassettes | Format mm: 240 x 300
X-Ray cassettes | Format mm: 240 x 300
Merk: Dr.Goos-Suprema GmbHBeschikbaar in 4 variantenStandard design with lead lining and snap fit lid.easy to open, easy to close with gentle pressure.firm, consistent support for films through special shaping: base pre-formed with convex profile.flexible, pure aluminium base (Absorption 1.2mm Al-value) flim processed in framesAluminium base coated in impact-resistant paintAnodised aluminium frameElastic foam for film protectionSpecifically designed for autoradiography at 70°CUse our reinforcement films in the blue sensitivity range with these X-Ray cassettes.
X-Ray cassettes | Format mm: 356 x 432
X-Ray cassettes | Format mm: 356 x 432
Merk: Dr.Goos-Suprema GmbHBeschikbaar in 4 variantenStandard design with lead lining and snap fit lid.easy to open, easy to close with gentle pressure.firm, consistent support for films through special shaping: base pre-formed with convex profile.flexible, pure aluminium base (Absorption 1.2mm Al-value) flim processed in framesAluminium base coated in impact-resistant paintAnodised aluminium frameElastic foam for film protectionSpecifically designed for autoradiography at 70°CUse our reinforcement films in the blue sensitivity range with these X-Ray cassettes.

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