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Built-in hotplates series EB-C, CERAN® | Type: 11EB-C, Dimensions (W x D x H) mm: 290 x 290 x 100, Hotplate mm: 350 x 350
Built-in hotplates series EB-C, CERAN® | Type: 11EB-C, Dimensions (W x D x H) mm: 290 x 290 x 100, Hotplate mm: 350 x 350
Merk: Harry Gestigkeit GmbHBeschikbaar in 4 variantenThe EB-C series is designed for table installation, and is supplied with installation suspension. The separate controller housing can be installed directly into the table frame. Electrical connections between controller housing and hotplate are protected by a flexible metal hose. Conductor length between controller housing and hotplate 0.65 m.Heated area marked on CERAN® heating surfaceNo heat loss to table top and heating surface edges
Built-in hotplates series EB-C, CERAN® | Type: 22EB-C, Dimensions (W x D x H) mm: 290 x 440 x 100, Hotplate mm: 350 x 500
Built-in hotplates series EB-C, CERAN® | Type: 22EB-C, Dimensions (W x D x H) mm: 290 x 440 x 100, Hotplate mm: 350 x 500
Merk: Harry Gestigkeit GmbHBeschikbaar in 4 variantenThe EB-C series is designed for table installation, and is supplied with installation suspension. The separate controller housing can be installed directly into the table frame. Electrical connections between controller housing and hotplate are protected by a flexible metal hose. Conductor length between controller housing and hotplate 0.65 m.Heated area marked on CERAN® heating surfaceNo heat loss to table top and heating surface edges
Built-in hotplates series EB-C, CERAN® | Type: 33EB-C, Dimensions (W x D x H) mm: 440 x 440 x 100, Hotplate mm: 500 x 500
Built-in hotplates series EB-C, CERAN® | Type: 33EB-C, Dimensions (W x D x H) mm: 440 x 440 x 100, Hotplate mm: 500 x 500
Merk: Harry Gestigkeit GmbHBeschikbaar in 4 variantenThe EB-C series is designed for table installation, and is supplied with installation suspension. The separate controller housing can be installed directly into the table frame. Electrical connections between controller housing and hotplate are protected by a flexible metal hose. Conductor length between controller housing and hotplate 0.65 m.Heated area marked on CERAN® heating surfaceNo heat loss to table top and heating surface edges
Built-in hotplates series EB-C, CERAN® | Type: 44EB-C, Dimensions (W x D x H) mm: 590 x 440 x 100, Hotplate mm: 650 x 500
Built-in hotplates series EB-C, CERAN® | Type: 44EB-C, Dimensions (W x D x H) mm: 590 x 440 x 100, Hotplate mm: 650 x 500
Merk: Harry Gestigkeit GmbHBeschikbaar in 4 variantenThe EB-C series is designed for table installation, and is supplied with installation suspension. The separate controller housing can be installed directly into the table frame. Electrical connections between controller housing and hotplate are protected by a flexible metal hose. Conductor length between controller housing and hotplate 0.65 m.Heated area marked on CERAN® heating surfaceNo heat loss to table top and heating surface edges
Ceran spare plate for heating plate 22 A - SR - EB, 280x430 mm
Ceran spare plate for heating plate 22 A - SR - EB, 280x430 mm
CERAN® hotplates 430x580 mm special voltage 3x 230V
CERAN® hotplates 430x580 mm special voltage 3x 230V
Contact protection for ST 82
Contact protection for ST 82
Controller PR 5-3T
Controller PR 5-3T
Fast incinerator SV II 2500 W, 230 V, 6 kg 450x310x180 mm
Fast incinerator SV II 2500 W, 230 V, 6 kg 450x310x180 mm
Heater insert for STM 50, SM-SMR
Heater insert for STM 50, SM-SMR
Heating Plate CERAN 500, table device, 280x280mm, w. add. package: long cover cap, silicone sealing, clamping rail made of acid-resistant stainless
Heating Plate CERAN 500, table device, 280x280mm, w. add. package: long cover cap, silicone sealing, clamping rail made of acid-resistant stainless

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