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Isolation kits DNA/RNA, magnetic beads | Description: Lysis & Binding buffer 250 ml, for customization
Isolation kits DNA/RNA, magnetic beads | Description: Lysis & Binding buffer 250 ml, for customization
Merk: Sileks GmbHBeschikbaar in 16 variantenSileks nucleic acid isolation kits provide reliable and reproducible results thanks to specially designed Sileks MagNA™ and SileksMagNA-G™ magnetic nanoparticles and optimized buffer systems. DNA/RNA purification using magnetic particles allows a standardised nucleic acid isolation due to the high absorption capacity of nano particles. The surface of the Sileks nano particles have been optimized for the isolation of DNA/RNA from different sources such as blood, plasma and cell cultures. Isolated DNA and RNA can then be used in PCR as well as in any other molecular biology application (first strand cDNA synthesis, labeling, cloning, sequencing etc.).Each isolation kit allows for 100 isolations.Scope of supply (Isolation Kits): Magnetic bead particles for each specified application, relevant buffers and instruction protocols.
Isolation kits DNA/RNA, magnetic beads | Description: Set of wash buffers, for customization
Isolation kits DNA/RNA, magnetic beads | Description: Set of wash buffers, for customization
Merk: Sileks GmbHBeschikbaar in 16 variantenSileks nucleic acid isolation kits provide reliable and reproducible results thanks to specially designed Sileks MagNA™ and SileksMagNA-G™ magnetic nanoparticles and optimized buffer systems. DNA/RNA purification using magnetic particles allows a standardised nucleic acid isolation due to the high absorption capacity of nano particles. The surface of the Sileks nano particles have been optimized for the isolation of DNA/RNA from different sources such as blood, plasma and cell cultures. Isolated DNA and RNA can then be used in PCR as well as in any other molecular biology application (first strand cDNA synthesis, labeling, cloning, sequencing etc.).Each isolation kit allows for 100 isolations.Scope of supply (Isolation Kits): Magnetic bead particles for each specified application, relevant buffers and instruction protocols.
Isolation kits DNA/RNA, magnetic beads | Description: SileksMagNA-G™ Blood DNA Isolation Kit
Isolation kits DNA/RNA, magnetic beads | Description: SileksMagNA-G™ Blood DNA Isolation Kit
Merk: Sileks GmbHBeschikbaar in 16 variantenSileks nucleic acid isolation kits provide reliable and reproducible results thanks to specially designed Sileks MagNA™ and SileksMagNA-G™ magnetic nanoparticles and optimized buffer systems. DNA/RNA purification using magnetic particles allows a standardised nucleic acid isolation due to the high absorption capacity of nano particles. The surface of the Sileks nano particles have been optimized for the isolation of DNA/RNA from different sources such as blood, plasma and cell cultures. Isolated DNA and RNA can then be used in PCR as well as in any other molecular biology application (first strand cDNA synthesis, labeling, cloning, sequencing etc.).Each isolation kit allows for 100 isolations.Scope of supply (Isolation Kits): Magnetic bead particles for each specified application, relevant buffers and instruction protocols.
Isolation kits DNA/RNA, magnetic beads | Description: SileksMagNA-G™ Cell Culture DNA Isolation Kit
Isolation kits DNA/RNA, magnetic beads | Description: SileksMagNA-G™ Cell Culture DNA Isolation Kit
Merk: Sileks GmbHBeschikbaar in 16 variantenSileks nucleic acid isolation kits provide reliable and reproducible results thanks to specially designed Sileks MagNA™ and SileksMagNA-G™ magnetic nanoparticles and optimized buffer systems. DNA/RNA purification using magnetic particles allows a standardised nucleic acid isolation due to the high absorption capacity of nano particles. The surface of the Sileks nano particles have been optimized for the isolation of DNA/RNA from different sources such as blood, plasma and cell cultures. Isolated DNA and RNA can then be used in PCR as well as in any other molecular biology application (first strand cDNA synthesis, labeling, cloning, sequencing etc.).Each isolation kit allows for 100 isolations.Scope of supply (Isolation Kits): Magnetic bead particles for each specified application, relevant buffers and instruction protocols.
Isolation kits DNA/RNA, magnetic beads | Description: SileksMagNA-G™ Epithelial Swab DNA Isolation Kit
Isolation kits DNA/RNA, magnetic beads | Description: SileksMagNA-G™ Epithelial Swab DNA Isolation Kit
Merk: Sileks GmbHBeschikbaar in 16 variantenSileks nucleic acid isolation kits provide reliable and reproducible results thanks to specially designed Sileks MagNA™ and SileksMagNA-G™ magnetic nanoparticles and optimized buffer systems. DNA/RNA purification using magnetic particles allows a standardised nucleic acid isolation due to the high absorption capacity of nano particles. The surface of the Sileks nano particles have been optimized for the isolation of DNA/RNA from different sources such as blood, plasma and cell cultures. Isolated DNA and RNA can then be used in PCR as well as in any other molecular biology application (first strand cDNA synthesis, labeling, cloning, sequencing etc.).Each isolation kit allows for 100 isolations.Scope of supply (Isolation Kits): Magnetic bead particles for each specified application, relevant buffers and instruction protocols.
Isolation kits DNA/RNA, magnetic beads | Description: SileksMagNA-G™, 50 mg/ml, 1 ml magnetic beads*
Isolation kits DNA/RNA, magnetic beads | Description: SileksMagNA-G™, 50 mg/ml, 1 ml magnetic beads*
Merk: Sileks GmbHBeschikbaar in 16 variantenSileks nucleic acid isolation kits provide reliable and reproducible results thanks to specially designed Sileks MagNA™ and SileksMagNA-G™ magnetic nanoparticles and optimized buffer systems. DNA/RNA purification using magnetic particles allows a standardised nucleic acid isolation due to the high absorption capacity of nano particles. The surface of the Sileks nano particles have been optimized for the isolation of DNA/RNA from different sources such as blood, plasma and cell cultures. Isolated DNA and RNA can then be used in PCR as well as in any other molecular biology application (first strand cDNA synthesis, labeling, cloning, sequencing etc.).Each isolation kit allows for 100 isolations.Scope of supply (Isolation Kits): Magnetic bead particles for each specified application, relevant buffers and instruction protocols.
Isolation kits DNA/RNA, magnetic beads | Description: SileksMagNA-G™, 50 mg/ml, 10 ml magnetic beads*
Isolation kits DNA/RNA, magnetic beads | Description: SileksMagNA-G™, 50 mg/ml, 10 ml magnetic beads*
Merk: Sileks GmbHBeschikbaar in 16 variantenSileks nucleic acid isolation kits provide reliable and reproducible results thanks to specially designed Sileks MagNA™ and SileksMagNA-G™ magnetic nanoparticles and optimized buffer systems. DNA/RNA purification using magnetic particles allows a standardised nucleic acid isolation due to the high absorption capacity of nano particles. The surface of the Sileks nano particles have been optimized for the isolation of DNA/RNA from different sources such as blood, plasma and cell cultures. Isolated DNA and RNA can then be used in PCR as well as in any other molecular biology application (first strand cDNA synthesis, labeling, cloning, sequencing etc.).Each isolation kit allows for 100 isolations.Scope of supply (Isolation Kits): Magnetic bead particles for each specified application, relevant buffers and instruction protocols.
Isolation kits DNA/RNA, magnetic beads | Description: SileksMagNA™ Blood Total DNA/RNA Isolation Kit
Isolation kits DNA/RNA, magnetic beads | Description: SileksMagNA™ Blood Total DNA/RNA Isolation Kit
Merk: Sileks GmbHBeschikbaar in 16 variantenSileks nucleic acid isolation kits provide reliable and reproducible results thanks to specially designed Sileks MagNA™ and SileksMagNA-G™ magnetic nanoparticles and optimized buffer systems. DNA/RNA purification using magnetic particles allows a standardised nucleic acid isolation due to the high absorption capacity of nano particles. The surface of the Sileks nano particles have been optimized for the isolation of DNA/RNA from different sources such as blood, plasma and cell cultures. Isolated DNA and RNA can then be used in PCR as well as in any other molecular biology application (first strand cDNA synthesis, labeling, cloning, sequencing etc.).Each isolation kit allows for 100 isolations.Scope of supply (Isolation Kits): Magnetic bead particles for each specified application, relevant buffers and instruction protocols.
Isolation kits DNA/RNA, magnetic beads | Description: SileksMagNA™ Cell Culture DNA/RNA Isolation Kit
Isolation kits DNA/RNA, magnetic beads | Description: SileksMagNA™ Cell Culture DNA/RNA Isolation Kit
Merk: Sileks GmbHBeschikbaar in 16 variantenSileks nucleic acid isolation kits provide reliable and reproducible results thanks to specially designed Sileks MagNA™ and SileksMagNA-G™ magnetic nanoparticles and optimized buffer systems. DNA/RNA purification using magnetic particles allows a standardised nucleic acid isolation due to the high absorption capacity of nano particles. The surface of the Sileks nano particles have been optimized for the isolation of DNA/RNA from different sources such as blood, plasma and cell cultures. Isolated DNA and RNA can then be used in PCR as well as in any other molecular biology application (first strand cDNA synthesis, labeling, cloning, sequencing etc.).Each isolation kit allows for 100 isolations.Scope of supply (Isolation Kits): Magnetic bead particles for each specified application, relevant buffers and instruction protocols.
Isolation kits DNA/RNA, magnetic beads | Description: SileksMagNA™ Epithelial Swab Total DNA/RNA Isolation Kit
Isolation kits DNA/RNA, magnetic beads | Description: SileksMagNA™ Epithelial Swab Total DNA/RNA Isolation Kit
Merk: Sileks GmbHBeschikbaar in 16 variantenSileks nucleic acid isolation kits provide reliable and reproducible results thanks to specially designed Sileks MagNA™ and SileksMagNA-G™ magnetic nanoparticles and optimized buffer systems. DNA/RNA purification using magnetic particles allows a standardised nucleic acid isolation due to the high absorption capacity of nano particles. The surface of the Sileks nano particles have been optimized for the isolation of DNA/RNA from different sources such as blood, plasma and cell cultures. Isolated DNA and RNA can then be used in PCR as well as in any other molecular biology application (first strand cDNA synthesis, labeling, cloning, sequencing etc.).Each isolation kit allows for 100 isolations.Scope of supply (Isolation Kits): Magnetic bead particles for each specified application, relevant buffers and instruction protocols.
Isolation kits DNA/RNA, magnetic beads | Description: SileksMagNA™ FFPE Total DNA/RNA Isolation Kit
Isolation kits DNA/RNA, magnetic beads | Description: SileksMagNA™ FFPE Total DNA/RNA Isolation Kit
Merk: Sileks GmbHBeschikbaar in 16 variantenSileks nucleic acid isolation kits provide reliable and reproducible results thanks to specially designed Sileks MagNA™ and SileksMagNA-G™ magnetic nanoparticles and optimized buffer systems. DNA/RNA purification using magnetic particles allows a standardised nucleic acid isolation due to the high absorption capacity of nano particles. The surface of the Sileks nano particles have been optimized for the isolation of DNA/RNA from different sources such as blood, plasma and cell cultures. Isolated DNA and RNA can then be used in PCR as well as in any other molecular biology application (first strand cDNA synthesis, labeling, cloning, sequencing etc.).Each isolation kit allows for 100 isolations.Scope of supply (Isolation Kits): Magnetic bead particles for each specified application, relevant buffers and instruction protocols.
Isolation kits DNA/RNA, magnetic beads | Description: SileksMagNA™ Plasma100 Total DNA/RNA Isolation Kit
Isolation kits DNA/RNA, magnetic beads | Description: SileksMagNA™ Plasma100 Total DNA/RNA Isolation Kit
Merk: Sileks GmbHBeschikbaar in 16 variantenSileks nucleic acid isolation kits provide reliable and reproducible results thanks to specially designed Sileks MagNA™ and SileksMagNA-G™ magnetic nanoparticles and optimized buffer systems. DNA/RNA purification using magnetic particles allows a standardised nucleic acid isolation due to the high absorption capacity of nano particles. The surface of the Sileks nano particles have been optimized for the isolation of DNA/RNA from different sources such as blood, plasma and cell cultures. Isolated DNA and RNA can then be used in PCR as well as in any other molecular biology application (first strand cDNA synthesis, labeling, cloning, sequencing etc.).Each isolation kit allows for 100 isolations.Scope of supply (Isolation Kits): Magnetic bead particles for each specified application, relevant buffers and instruction protocols.

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