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***temporary not available*** Incidin® Pro, 6 l disinfectant for medical devices
***temporary not available*** Incidin® Pro, 6 l disinfectant for medical devices
Agani disposable cannulas 0.90 x 38 mm, yellow, PU=100
Agani disposable cannulas 0.90 x 38 mm, yellow, PU=100
Agani disposable needles No. 17 0.55 x 25 mm, purple pack of 100
Agani disposable needles No. 17 0.55 x 25 mm, purple pack of 100
Aseptoman® Forte 1l alcoholic hand disinfection BIOZIDE
Aseptoman® Forte 1l alcoholic hand disinfection BIOZIDE
Aseptoman® Viral 1l
Aseptoman® Viral 1l
Assert Clean hand rinsing agent 1l perfume- and dye-free pack of 6
Assert Clean hand rinsing agent 1l perfume- and dye-free pack of 6
Ball, soft rubber, black, for metpack
Ball, soft rubber, black, for metpack
Blood pressure monitor boso medicus | Type : Medicus
Blood pressure monitor boso medicus | Type : Medicus
Merk: Werner Arzneimittel GmbHBlood pressure instrument for upper-arm measurementWith standard cuff for upper-arm circumference 22 - 32cmConnection for XL-cuffConnection for power supplyWith case, batteries and blood pressure pass3 year warranty
Blow valve, polished chromed
Blow valve, polished chromed
Coagulase Plasma, 3ml pack of 10
Coagulase Plasma, 3ml pack of 10
Dermados® Collecting sump for wall dispenser S/L/I/F/LF
Dermados® Collecting sump for wall dispenser S/L/I/F/LF
Dermados® S/F mounting kit without drilling
Dermados® S/F mounting kit without drilling

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