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Digital hand-held refractometer PAL-79S T.A. 1990 scale 0.0...26.0%/0.1%
Digital hand-held refractometer PAL-79S T.A. 1990 scale 0.0...26.0%/0.1%
Digital hand-held refractometer PAL-83S Scala 0.0..40.0°
Digital hand-held refractometer PAL-83S Scala 0.0..40.0°
Digital hand-held refractometer PAL-84S Baume scala 0.0..21.0°, IP65
Digital hand-held refractometer PAL-84S Baume scala 0.0..21.0°, IP65
Digital hand-held refractometer PAL-87S Oechsle scale 0...240°/1°, Brix 0.0...53.0%/0.1%, IP65
Digital hand-held refractometer PAL-87S Oechsle scale 0...240°/1°, Brix 0.0...53.0%/0.1%, IP65
Digital hand-held refractometer PAL-98S 0.0 - 70.0% Brix, with ATC, Condiment Concentration Resolution: 0.1%
Digital hand-held refractometer PAL-98S 0.0 - 70.0% Brix, with ATC, Condiment Concentration Resolution: 0.1%
Digital hand-held refractometer PAL-BX/RI 0.0 - 93.0% Brix, 1.3306 - 1.5284 nD incl. ISO calibration and certificate
Digital hand-held refractometer PAL-BX/RI 0.0 - 93.0% Brix, 1.3306 - 1.5284 nD incl. ISO calibration and certificate
Digital hand-held refractometer PAL-MILK 0.0 - 23.0% Brix, waterproof
Digital hand-held refractometer PAL-MILK 0.0 - 23.0% Brix, waterproof
Digital hand-held refractometer PAL-Patissier 0.0 - 85.0% Brix, 0-45° Baume, for wine
Digital hand-held refractometer PAL-Patissier 0.0 - 85.0% Brix, 0-45° Baume, for wine
Digital hand-held refractometer PAL-S Temp. range 9.0...99.9°C accuracy Brix ± 0,2%, Temp. ± 1°C
Digital hand-held refractometer PAL-S Temp. range 9.0...99.9°C accuracy Brix ± 0,2%, Temp. ± 1°C
Digital hand-held refractometer PAL-Urea (0.0 to 55.0 % Konzentr) incl. ISO Calibration
Digital hand-held refractometer PAL-Urea (0.0 to 55.0 % Konzentr) incl. ISO Calibration
Digital Hand-held Refractometer PEN-PRO | Type: PEN-PRO
Digital Hand-held Refractometer PEN-PRO | Type: PEN-PRO
Merk: ATAGO CO.,LTDThe PEN-PRO has a measurement range of Brix 0.0 to 85.0 % and a temperature range of 10 to 100 °C which can be used to measure almost any sample. The PEN-PRO measures continuously while you stir your sample, so you can watch the reading stabilize as the temperature evens out. No need to take several measurements of the same sample. Fully digital. The PEN-PRO is ideal for food factories (fruit juice, coffee, soft drinks, soy sauce, sauces, seasoning, soup, concentration jam, marmalade, jelly and syrup, etc).Just dip into or touch sample surfaceEasy and quick measuring in just 3 secondsHot or cold samples can be measuredATC measurements are shown as if measured at 20 °CZero setting (calibration) can be done with distilled or tap waterClass IP65: Dust-tight and protected against water jets. Rinse clean under running water
Digital immersion refractometer Pan-1 0.0...42.0 % Brix
Digital immersion refractometer Pan-1 0.0...42.0 % Brix

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