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ISO-Factory certificate for LOG 32 TH Points: 22°C / 30%, 50%, 80% Feuchte
ISO-Factory certificate for LOG 32 TH Points: 22°C / 30%, 50%, 80% Feuchte
ISO-Manufacturer certificate temperature (+200...+1200°C) -18°C/+20°C/+500°C "per calibration point"
ISO-Manufacturer certificate temperature (+200...+1200°C) -18°C/+20°C/+500°C "per calibration point"
ISO-Manufacturer certificate temperature (-20...+200°C) -18°C "per calibration point"
ISO-Manufacturer certificate temperature (-20...+200°C) -18°C "per calibration point"
ISO-Manufacturer certificate temperature and humidity, proofing point: +4°C "per calibration point"
ISO-Manufacturer certificate temperature and humidity, proofing point: +4°C "per calibration point"
ISO-Manufacturer certificate temperature and humidity, proofing point: -20°C "per calibration point"
ISO-Manufacturer certificate temperature and humidity, proofing point: -20°C "per calibration point"
ISO-Manufacturer certificate temperature proofing point: +40°C / +120°C with Sensor 6000-0201
ISO-Manufacturer certificate temperature proofing point: +40°C / +120°C with Sensor 6000-0201
Laboratory Max./Min. thermometer | Type: LT101, Measuring range °C: -40 ... 200, Accuracy (±) °C: 2
Laboratory Max./Min. thermometer | Type: LT101, Measuring range °C: -40 ... 200, Accuracy (±) °C: 2
Merk: DOSTMANN electronic GmbHBeschikbaar in 2 variantenDisplay of current, highest and lowest temperature, hold function, alarm at freely adjustable temperature values optical and audibly (upper/lower limit), selectable °C/°F readout. Supplied with table stand and magnet. 3V Lithium CR2032 button cell (acc. to EN 13485).
Laboratory thermometer LT-105 | Type: LT-105
Laboratory thermometer LT-105 | Type: LT-105
Merk: DOSTMANN electronic GmbHScope of supply: Laboratory thermometer, 1 x AAA battery, holders and holding accessories, calibration certificate, operation manual
Laboratory thermometer LT-105, with glass bottle | Type: LT-105
Laboratory thermometer LT-105, with glass bottle | Type: LT-105
Merk: DOSTMANN electronic GmbHLaboratory thermometer with cable probe in a 30 ml glass bottle. Incl. Glysofor L sachet for self-filling.Scope of supply: Laboratory thermometer, 1 x AAA battery, holders and holding accessories, 15 ml sachet Glysofor L, calibration certificate, operation manual
Laser distance meter LM-50 Range: 0.05..50 meter (typ. +-1,5mm)
Laser distance meter LM-50 Range: 0.05..50 meter (typ. +-1,5mm)
Light intensity meter mini-lux meter, Measuring range 0 to 40,000 lx
Light intensity meter mini-lux meter, Measuring range 0 to 40,000 lx
LOG220-E-Set (w. sensor und power plug) consists of 5005-0222, 6020-0223, 5090-0220 + power plug
LOG220-E-Set (w. sensor und power plug) consists of 5005-0222, 6020-0223, 5090-0220 + power plug

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