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Vent filter Ø 50mm sterile, with PTFE membrane 0,2 µm pack of 10
Vent filter Ø 50mm sterile, with PTFE membrane 0,2 µm pack of 10
Vent filter Ø 50mm with PTFE membrane 0,20 µm 6-12mm hose BARB, pack of 100
Vent filter Ø 50mm with PTFE membrane 0,20 µm 6-12mm hose BARB, pack of 100
Vent filter Ø 50mm with PTFE membrane 0,45 µm pack of 100
Vent filter Ø 50mm with PTFE membrane 0,45 µm pack of 100
Viral DNA/RNA Extraction Kit, magnetic beads | Type: Extraction Kit
Viral DNA/RNA Extraction Kit, magnetic beads | Type: Extraction Kit
Merk: GVS Microfiltrazione SRLBeschikbaar in 2 variantenRapid and efficient isolation of viral DNA and RNA from serum, swabs, plasma, saliva, and other body fluids. The magnetic beads technology enables the isolation of highquality nucleic acids that are free of proteins, nucleases and other impurities. The purified nucleic acids are ready for direct use in downstream applications such as Next-Gen sequencing, Sanger Sequencing, Real-Time PCR and qPCR detection and other sensitive enzymatic testing.This kit is compatible with the most common automated systems or usable for manual procedure.High yield and high extract purityConsistent and reproducible resultsMinimal hands-on timeTemperature-stable componentsCompatible with the most common automated systemsScope of supply ( Extraction Kit ): Viral lysis buffer, magnetic beads, washing buffer 1 + 2
Viral DNA/RNA Extraction Kit, magnetic beads | Type: Extraction Kit
Viral DNA/RNA Extraction Kit, magnetic beads | Type: Extraction Kit
Merk: GVS Microfiltrazione SRLBeschikbaar in 2 variantenRapid and efficient isolation of viral DNA and RNA from serum, swabs, plasma, saliva, and other body fluids. The magnetic beads technology enables the isolation of highquality nucleic acids that are free of proteins, nucleases and other impurities. The purified nucleic acids are ready for direct use in downstream applications such as Next-Gen sequencing, Sanger Sequencing, Real-Time PCR and qPCR detection and other sensitive enzymatic testing.This kit is compatible with the most common automated systems or usable for manual procedure.High yield and high extract purityConsistent and reproducible resultsMinimal hands-on timeTemperature-stable componentsCompatible with the most common automated systemsScope of supply ( Extraction Kit ): Viral lysis buffer, magnetic beads, washing buffer 1 + 2

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