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Stand with baseplate incl. Bosshead, dipping clipper and holding clamp
Stand with baseplate incl. Bosshead, dipping clipper and holding clamp
stirring bar remover
stirring bar remover
Storage bottle with 250 ml KCl
Storage bottle with 250 ml KCl
Temperature sensor NT55
Temperature sensor NT55
Tumbling shaker RS-RD 10 | Type: RS-RD 10, Type of movement: tumbling, Inclination angle °: 9
Tumbling shaker RS-RD 10 | Type: RS-RD 10, Type of movement: tumbling, Inclination angle °: 9
Merk: Phoenix Instrument GmbHSturdy laboratory shaker for gentle and effective mixing of samples.Illuminated LCD displaySimultaneous display of speed and timeWith timer functionRS232 interfaceSafe stand due to variable anti-slip feetScope of supply: Tumbling shaker, tray attachment
Turning dish 60x1,5 ml for disc mixer RS-RD 20
Turning dish 60x1,5 ml for disc mixer RS-RD 20
Unit cable with power supply CH
Unit cable with power supply CH
Unit cable with power supply EU
Unit cable with power supply EU
Unit cable with power supply UK
Unit cable with power supply UK
Unit with pH electrode STANDARD EC-45-pH-1 T-probe, buffer solutions, stand and power supply, DHS function
Unit with pH electrode STANDARD EC-45-pH-1 T-probe, buffer solutions, stand and power supply, DHS function
Unit with pH electrode STANDARD T BNC DHS, buffer solutions, support rod, power supply unit, incl. magnetic stirrer, DHS function
Unit with pH electrode STANDARD T BNC DHS, buffer solutions, support rod, power supply unit, incl. magnetic stirrer, DHS function
Universal essay for tubes and vessels up to 30mm Ø
Universal essay for tubes and vessels up to 30mm Ø

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