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Bottle-top dispensers Calibrex™ universal 520 | Volume ml: 1 - 10, Grad. ml: 0,25, Accuracy max. vol. (± R%): 0,6
Bottle-top dispensers Calibrex™ universal 520 | Volume ml: 1 - 10, Grad. ml: 0,25, Accuracy max. vol. (± R%): 0,6
Merk: SOCOREX ISBA SABeschikbaar in 3 variantenThe dispenser is equipped with a PFA coated glass plunger, which prevents crystallisation.Large displaySingle hand volume setting32 mm base threadIntegrated calibration systemAutoclavable at 121°C fully assembledScope of supply:Bottle-top dispenser, delivery jet and stopper, feed tube, 3 adapters (28, 40, 45 mm), QC certificate, operating instruction
Bottle-top dispensers Calibrex™ universal 520 | Volume ml: 1 - 5, Grad. ml: 0,10, Accuracy max. vol. (± R%): 0,6
Bottle-top dispensers Calibrex™ universal 520 | Volume ml: 1 - 5, Grad. ml: 0,10, Accuracy max. vol. (± R%): 0,6
Merk: SOCOREX ISBA SABeschikbaar in 3 variantenThe dispenser is equipped with a PFA coated glass plunger, which prevents crystallisation.Large displaySingle hand volume setting32 mm base threadIntegrated calibration systemAutoclavable at 121°C fully assembledScope of supply:Bottle-top dispenser, delivery jet and stopper, feed tube, 3 adapters (28, 40, 45 mm), QC certificate, operating instruction
Boxes Qualitix® | For: 24 macrotips 10 ml
Boxes Qualitix® | For: 24 macrotips 10 ml
Merk: SOCOREX ISBA SAAutoclavable. Empty boxes for autoclaving tips with hinged lid.
Bracket no. 53
Bracket no. 53
Calibration 1-channel, 3x10 measurings w. detailed ISO 17025 accre. certifiacte and voucher Premium
Calibration 1-channel, 3x10 measurings w. detailed ISO 17025 accre. certifiacte and voucher Premium
calibration and inspection certificate for Micro volume unit
calibration and inspection certificate for Micro volume unit
Calibration Dispenser, 3x10 measurings w. detailed ISO 17025 accre. certifiacte and voucher Premium
Calibration Dispenser, 3x10 measurings w. detailed ISO 17025 accre. certifiacte and voucher Premium
Calibration key all volumes
Calibration key all volumes
Calibration Multichannel, 3x10 measurings w. detailed ISO 17025 accre. certifiacte and voucher Premium
Calibration Multichannel, 3x10 measurings w. detailed ISO 17025 accre. certifiacte and voucher Premium
Calibration seal labels, autoclavable for CalibrexTM organo 525 and solutae 530 Dispensers, pack of 25
Calibration seal labels, autoclavable for CalibrexTM organo 525 and solutae 530 Dispensers, pack of 25
Cap for exhaust valve, Luer Lock
Cap for exhaust valve, Luer Lock
Cap for inlet valve female Luer
Cap for inlet valve female Luer

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