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Pocket tester Eutech™ pHTestr / pH Spear, waterproof | Type: pHTestr 30
Pocket tester Eutech™ pHTestr / pH Spear, waterproof | Type: pHTestr 30
Merk: Thermo Elect.LED GmbH (Eutech)Beschikbaar in 5 variantenWaterproof, rugged pH testers with one hand operation for general and industrial purposes, e.g. frequent testing of pools, aquariums, cooling towers, in the chemical industry and food processing.Large LCD displayEasy maintenance and cleaningWaterproof and dustproof housingUser-replaceable, rugged sensorDouble junction sensor, pHTestr 10BNC only with BNC connector, without sensorPush-Button calibration with up to 3 points and Auto-Buffer recognitionBuffer solutions USA 4.01 / 7.00 / 10.01 and NIST 4.01 / 6.86 / 9.18 usableHold function, the last measured value remains on the displaypHTestr 30, 10BNC and pH Spear with temperature displaypH Spear tester with glass tip electrode for direct measurement of solid or semi-solid samples, e.g. in food processingUp to 500 hours operation time with single battery set
Pocket tester PTTestr 35, with ATC waterproof, pH, TDS, Temperature
Pocket tester PTTestr 35, with ATC waterproof, pH, TDS, Temperature
Pocket tester with replacement pH sensor for Elite pH
Pocket tester with replacement pH sensor for Elite pH
Portable conductivity meter CON 150 incl. electrode
Portable conductivity meter CON 150 incl. electrode
Portable pH/ION Meter ECION601PLUS with ATC
Portable pH/ION Meter ECION601PLUS with ATC
Portable pH/ION Meter ECOSCAN ION6 with pH carrying kit ECION602PLUSK
Portable pH/ION Meter ECOSCAN ION6 with pH carrying kit ECION602PLUSK
Power adapter 100 / 240 VAC SMPS, 9 V, 6 W for Eutech 150/Eutech 450/Eutech 2700
Power adapter 100 / 240 VAC SMPS, 9 V, 6 W for Eutech 150/Eutech 450/Eutech 2700
Precision Hi-Low Impendance and multiple buffer pH Simulator with BNC-BNC cable
Precision Hi-Low Impendance and multiple buffer pH Simulator with BNC-BNC cable
Probe RTD PT 100 with shaft length: 200 mm
Probe RTD PT 100 with shaft length: 200 mm
Protein cleaning solution 480ml for pH electrode
Protein cleaning solution 480ml for pH electrode
Quinhydron 263 263 mV, ± 30 mV at 25 ° C ORP solution 480 ml, no danger goods
Quinhydron 263 263 mV, ± 30 mV at 25 ° C ORP solution 480 ml, no danger goods
Quinhydrone ORP 86mV Solution, 480 ml no dan. goods
Quinhydrone ORP 86mV Solution, 480 ml no dan. goods

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