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Protection Gloves CRYOLITE | Size : 8
Protection Gloves CRYOLITE | Size : 8
Merk: tec-lab GmbHBeschikbaar in 4 variantenCRYOLITE is a fully waterproof glove to protect the hand and forearm in operations that involve the use of liquid nitrogen (or other cryogenic gases) and heat.Made by materials specifically designated for this application, it keeps the hands warm and dry for long periods of use. Tested, with success, by contact with liquid nitrogen (-195.82 ° C) for one minute and following test of flexibility (RCT method). Suitable for contact with Liquid Oxygen (Oxygen Index O.I. 25,4 external layer - Test Report 166/2016 Dipartimento di Ingegneria Padova.The multilayered construction allows a high level of thermal protection, flexibility and dexterity from -200 ° C to 250 ° C. Cat. III
Protection Gloves CRYOLITE | Size: 10
Protection Gloves CRYOLITE | Size: 10
Merk: tec-lab GmbHBeschikbaar in 4 variantenCRYOLITE is a fully waterproof glove to protect the hand and forearm in operations that involve the use of liquid nitrogen (or other cryogenic gases) and heat.Made by materials specifically designated for this application, it keeps the hands warm and dry for long periods of use. Tested, with success, by contact with liquid nitrogen (-195.82 ° C) for one minute and following test of flexibility (RCT method). Suitable for contact with Liquid Oxygen (Oxygen Index O.I. 25,4 external layer - Test Report 166/2016 Dipartimento di Ingegneria Padova.The multilayered construction allows a high level of thermal protection, flexibility and dexterity from -200 ° C to 250 ° C. Cat. III
Protection Gloves CRYOLITE | Size: 9
Protection Gloves CRYOLITE | Size: 9
Merk: tec-lab GmbHBeschikbaar in 4 variantenCRYOLITE is a fully waterproof glove to protect the hand and forearm in operations that involve the use of liquid nitrogen (or other cryogenic gases) and heat.Made by materials specifically designated for this application, it keeps the hands warm and dry for long periods of use. Tested, with success, by contact with liquid nitrogen (-195.82 ° C) for one minute and following test of flexibility (RCT method). Suitable for contact with Liquid Oxygen (Oxygen Index O.I. 25,4 external layer - Test Report 166/2016 Dipartimento di Ingegneria Padova.The multilayered construction allows a high level of thermal protection, flexibility and dexterity from -200 ° C to 250 ° C. Cat. III
Tower for cryoboxes grid 5x5 730x840x840 mm, for storage of 2ml ampoules in 5x5 boxes in the 10K / 24K / 38K
Tower for cryoboxes grid 5x5 730x840x840 mm, for storage of 2ml ampoules in 5x5 boxes in the 10K / 24K / 38K
Vision-Cryo protection glasses
Vision-Cryo protection glasses

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