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Photometers MD 100 | Description: Reference standard kit Chlorine, Measuring range: 1.0 / 4.0mg/l
Photometers MD 100 | Description: Reference standard kit Chlorine, Measuring range: 1.0 / 4.0mg/l
Merk: Tintometer GmbHBeschikbaar in 18 variantenThe Lovibond® MD 100 Photometers are designed for analysis of different parameters in drinking water, industrial process water and waste water. With a total of more than 30 different types, instruments are available for routine testing as well as for special applications. The MD 100 uses high quality interference filters with long-life LEDs as a light source without any moving parts in a transparent sample chamber. The units supply accurate, reproducible results very quickly. Other major advantages include ease of operation, ergonomic design, compact dimensions and safe handling. Provided with calibration and software-based adjustment options the MD 100 is suitable for use as a testing instrument. The tests are conducted using either Lovibond® tablet reagents with long-term stability and a shelf life of 5 or 10 years, VARIO powder reagents or using liquid reagents.Optics: High-quality Interference FiltersWavelength accuracy: ±1 nm.Power supply: 4 micro batteries (AAA), capacity approx. 17 hours or 5000 tests.Automatic switch-off.LCD Display (backlit on keypress).Internal ring memory for 16 data sets.Dimensions (L x W x H): 155 x 75 x 35 mm.Scope of supply: Photometer in a plastic carrying case, with reagents for 100 tests, cells, batteries and standard accessories.Optional: IRiM - infrared interface module for data transfer to computer or printer.
Photometers MD 100 | Description: Reference standard kit pH, Measuring range: 7,45pH
Photometers MD 100 | Description: Reference standard kit pH, Measuring range: 7,45pH
Merk: Tintometer GmbHBeschikbaar in 18 variantenThe Lovibond® MD 100 Photometers are designed for analysis of different parameters in drinking water, industrial process water and waste water. With a total of more than 30 different types, instruments are available for routine testing as well as for special applications. The MD 100 uses high quality interference filters with long-life LEDs as a light source without any moving parts in a transparent sample chamber. The units supply accurate, reproducible results very quickly. Other major advantages include ease of operation, ergonomic design, compact dimensions and safe handling. Provided with calibration and software-based adjustment options the MD 100 is suitable for use as a testing instrument. The tests are conducted using either Lovibond® tablet reagents with long-term stability and a shelf life of 5 or 10 years, VARIO powder reagents or using liquid reagents.Optics: High-quality Interference FiltersWavelength accuracy: ±1 nm.Power supply: 4 micro batteries (AAA), capacity approx. 17 hours or 5000 tests.Automatic switch-off.LCD Display (backlit on keypress).Internal ring memory for 16 data sets.Dimensions (L x W x H): 155 x 75 x 35 mm.Scope of supply: Photometer in a plastic carrying case, with reagents for 100 tests, cells, batteries and standard accessories.Optional: IRiM - infrared interface module for data transfer to computer or printer.
Photometers MD 100 | Description: Silicon dioxide tablet reagents, Measuring range: 0.05 - 4.0mg/l
Photometers MD 100 | Description: Silicon dioxide tablet reagents, Measuring range: 0.05 - 4.0mg/l
Merk: Tintometer GmbHBeschikbaar in 18 variantenThe Lovibond® MD 100 Photometers are designed for analysis of different parameters in drinking water, industrial process water and waste water. With a total of more than 30 different types, instruments are available for routine testing as well as for special applications. The MD 100 uses high quality interference filters with long-life LEDs as a light source without any moving parts in a transparent sample chamber. The units supply accurate, reproducible results very quickly. Other major advantages include ease of operation, ergonomic design, compact dimensions and safe handling. Provided with calibration and software-based adjustment options the MD 100 is suitable for use as a testing instrument. The tests are conducted using either Lovibond® tablet reagents with long-term stability and a shelf life of 5 or 10 years, VARIO powder reagents or using liquid reagents.Optics: High-quality Interference FiltersWavelength accuracy: ±1 nm.Power supply: 4 micro batteries (AAA), capacity approx. 17 hours or 5000 tests.Automatic switch-off.LCD Display (backlit on keypress).Internal ring memory for 16 data sets.Dimensions (L x W x H): 155 x 75 x 35 mm.Scope of supply: Photometer in a plastic carrying case, with reagents for 100 tests, cells, batteries and standard accessories.Optional: IRiM - infrared interface module for data transfer to computer or printer.
Photometers MD 110 | Description : MD 110 chlorine, bromine, pH, cyanuric acid, alkalinity-m, calcium hardness, reagent tablets, Measuring range : 0.05 ... 13 mg/l Br2 0.1 ... 10 mg/l Cl2 0.02 ... 4.0 mg/l Cl2 0.01 ... 6.0 mg/l Cl2 10 ... 160 mg/l CyA 5 ... 200 mg/l CaCO3 (TA) 20 ... 500 mg/l CaCO3 (CaH)
Photometers MD 110 | Description : MD 110 chlorine, bromine, pH, cyanuric acid, alkalinity-m, calcium hardness, reagent tablets, Measuring range : 0.05 ... 13 mg/l Br2 0.1 ... 10 mg/l Cl2 0.02 ... 4.0 mg/l Cl2 0.01 ... 6.0 mg/l Cl2 10 ... 160 mg/l CyA 5 ... 200 mg/l CaCO3 (TA) 20 ... 500 mg/l CaCO3 (CaH)
Merk: Tintometer GmbHBeschikbaar in 3 varianten
Photometers MD 110 | Description : MD 110, chlorine, pH, cyanuric acid, alkalinity-m, liquid reagents, Measuring range : 5 ... 200 mg/l CaCO3 0.02 ... 4.0 mg/l Cl2 10 ... 160 mg/l CyA
Photometers MD 110 | Description : MD 110, chlorine, pH, cyanuric acid, alkalinity-m, liquid reagents, Measuring range : 5 ... 200 mg/l CaCO3 0.02 ... 4.0 mg/l Cl2 10 ... 160 mg/l CyA
Merk: Tintometer GmbHBeschikbaar in 3 varianten
Photometers MD 110 | Description : MD 110, chlorine, pH, cyanuric acid, reagent tablets, Measuring range : 0.1 ... 10 mg/l Cl2 0.02 ... 4.0 mg/l Cl2 0.01 ... 6.0 mg/l Cl2 10 ... 160 mg/l CyA
Photometers MD 110 | Description : MD 110, chlorine, pH, cyanuric acid, reagent tablets, Measuring range : 0.1 ... 10 mg/l Cl2 0.02 ... 4.0 mg/l Cl2 0.01 ... 6.0 mg/l Cl2 10 ... 160 mg/l CyA
Merk: Tintometer GmbHBeschikbaar in 3 varianten
Photometers MD 110 | Description : MD 110, CSB, Measuring range : 200 ... 15000 mg/l
Photometers MD 110 | Description : MD 110, CSB, Measuring range : 200 ... 15000 mg/l
Merk: Tintometer GmbH
Photometers MD 200 | Description : MD 200, Chlorine, bromine, pH, cyanuric acid, alkalinity-m, calcium hardness, reagent tablets (OTZ), Measuring range : 0.01 ... 6.0 mg/l CI2 0.01 ... 10.0 mg/l CI2 0.05 ... 13 mg/l Br 0 ... 160 mg/l Cys 5 ... 200 mg/l CaCO3 (TA) 0 ... 500 mg/l CaCO3 (CaH)
Photometers MD 200 | Description : MD 200, Chlorine, bromine, pH, cyanuric acid, alkalinity-m, calcium hardness, reagent tablets (OTZ), Measuring range : 0.01 ... 6.0 mg/l CI2 0.01 ... 10.0 mg/l CI2 0.05 ... 13 mg/l Br 0 ... 160 mg/l Cys 5 ... 200 mg/l CaCO3 (TA) 0 ... 500 mg/l CaCO3 (CaH)
Merk: Tintometer GmbHBeschikbaar in 9 varianten
Photometers MD 200 | Description : MD 200, Chlorine, chlorine dioxide, pH, acid capacity KS4.3, reagent tablets (OTZ), Measuring range : 0.02 ... 4.0 mg/l Cl2 0.01 ... 6.0 mg/l Cl2 0.02 ... 11 mg/l ClO2 0.1 ... 4 mmol/l KS4.3
Photometers MD 200 | Description : MD 200, Chlorine, chlorine dioxide, pH, acid capacity KS4.3, reagent tablets (OTZ), Measuring range : 0.02 ... 4.0 mg/l Cl2 0.01 ... 6.0 mg/l Cl2 0.02 ... 11 mg/l ClO2 0.1 ... 4 mmol/l KS4.3
Merk: Tintometer GmbHBeschikbaar in 9 varianten
Photometers MD 200 | Description : MD 200, Chlorine, pH, cyanuric acid, acid capacity KS4.3, liquid reagents for chlorine/pH (OTZ), Measuring range : 0,1 ... 10,0 mg/l CI2 0,02 ... 4,0 mg/l CI2 0,01 ... 6,0 mg/l CI2 10 ... 160 mg/l Cys 0,1 ... 4 mmol/l KS4.3
Photometers MD 200 | Description : MD 200, Chlorine, pH, cyanuric acid, acid capacity KS4.3, liquid reagents for chlorine/pH (OTZ), Measuring range : 0,1 ... 10,0 mg/l CI2 0,02 ... 4,0 mg/l CI2 0,01 ... 6,0 mg/l CI2 10 ... 160 mg/l Cys 0,1 ... 4 mmol/l KS4.3
Merk: Tintometer GmbHBeschikbaar in 9 varianten
Photometers MD 200 | Description : MD 200, Chlorine, pH, cyanuric acid, alkalinity-m, calcium hardness, reagent tablets (OTZ), Measuring range : 0.01 ... 6.0 mg/l CI2 0.01 ... 10.0 mg/l CI2 0 ... 160 mg/l Cys 5 ... 200 mg/l CaCO3 (TA) 0 ... 500 mg/l CaCO3 (CaH)
Photometers MD 200 | Description : MD 200, Chlorine, pH, cyanuric acid, alkalinity-m, calcium hardness, reagent tablets (OTZ), Measuring range : 0.01 ... 6.0 mg/l CI2 0.01 ... 10.0 mg/l CI2 0 ... 160 mg/l Cys 5 ... 200 mg/l CaCO3 (TA) 0 ... 500 mg/l CaCO3 (CaH)
Merk: Tintometer GmbHBeschikbaar in 9 varianten
Photometers MD 200 | Description : MD 200, Chlorine, pH, cyanuric acid, liquid reagents for chlorine/pH (OTZ), Measuring range : 0.02 ... 4.0 mg/l CI2 0 ... 160 mg/l Cys
Photometers MD 200 | Description : MD 200, Chlorine, pH, cyanuric acid, liquid reagents for chlorine/pH (OTZ), Measuring range : 0.02 ... 4.0 mg/l CI2 0 ... 160 mg/l Cys
Merk: Tintometer GmbH

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