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Light guides, flexible, GLF1 / GLF2 / GLF3 | Type: GLF2, Description: 2-armed, arm length 1600 mm, Material: Steel spiral, PVC
Light guides, flexible, GLF1 / GLF2 / GLF3 | Type: GLF2, Description: 2-armed, arm length 1600 mm, Material: Steel spiral, PVC
Merk: Starlight Opto-ElectronicsBeschikbaar in 10 variantenThe flexible light guides are available in versions of 1-arm, 2-arms and 3-arms.High flexibility and luminous efficiencyVery good transmissionSpot illuminationLow heat generationFor halogen and LED cold light sourcesAdaptable to cold light sources from all manufacturers
Light guides, flexible, GLF1 / GLF2 / GLF3 | Type: GLF3, Description: 3-armed, arm length 1000 mm, Material: Steel spiral, PVC
Light guides, flexible, GLF1 / GLF2 / GLF3 | Type: GLF3, Description: 3-armed, arm length 1000 mm, Material: Steel spiral, PVC
Merk: Starlight Opto-ElectronicsBeschikbaar in 10 variantenThe flexible light guides are available in versions of 1-arm, 2-arms and 3-arms.High flexibility and luminous efficiencyVery good transmissionSpot illuminationLow heat generationFor halogen and LED cold light sourcesAdaptable to cold light sources from all manufacturers
Light guides, flexible, GLF1 / GLF2 / GLF3 | Type: GLF3, Description: 3-armed, arm length 1600 mm, Material: Steel spiral, PVC
Light guides, flexible, GLF1 / GLF2 / GLF3 | Type: GLF3, Description: 3-armed, arm length 1600 mm, Material: Steel spiral, PVC
Merk: Starlight Opto-ElectronicsBeschikbaar in 10 variantenThe flexible light guides are available in versions of 1-arm, 2-arms and 3-arms.High flexibility and luminous efficiencyVery good transmissionSpot illuminationLow heat generationFor halogen and LED cold light sourcesAdaptable to cold light sources from all manufacturers
Protective Glass Set for IL1300 (incl. O-Rings)
Protective Glass Set for IL1300 (incl. O-Rings)
Protective Glass Set for IL3 and IL300 (incl. O-Rings)
Protective Glass Set for IL3 and IL300 (incl. O-Rings)
Semi-rigid light guides, GLS1 / GLS2 / GLS3 | Type: GLS1, Description: 1-armed, arm length 450 mm, active Ø 4.5 mm, Material: Steel / brass
Semi-rigid light guides, GLS1 / GLS2 / GLS3 | Type: GLS1, Description: 1-armed, arm length 450 mm, active Ø 4.5 mm, Material: Steel / brass
Merk: Starlight Opto-ElectronicsBeschikbaar in 11 variantenThe semi-rigid light guides are available in versions of 1-arm, 2-arms and 3-arms.High flexibility and luminous efficiencyVery good transmissionSpot illuminationLow heat generationFor halogen and LED cold light sourcesAdaptable to cold light sources from all manufacturers
Semi-rigid light guides, GLS1 / GLS2 / GLS3 | Type: GLS1, Description: 1-armed, arm length 600 mm, active Ø 4.5 mm, Material: Steel / brass
Semi-rigid light guides, GLS1 / GLS2 / GLS3 | Type: GLS1, Description: 1-armed, arm length 600 mm, active Ø 4.5 mm, Material: Steel / brass
Merk: Starlight Opto-ElectronicsBeschikbaar in 11 variantenThe semi-rigid light guides are available in versions of 1-arm, 2-arms and 3-arms.High flexibility and luminous efficiencyVery good transmissionSpot illuminationLow heat generationFor halogen and LED cold light sourcesAdaptable to cold light sources from all manufacturers
Semi-rigid light guides, GLS1 / GLS2 / GLS3 | Type: GLS1, Description: 1-armed, arm length 800 mm, active Ø 4.5 mm, Material: Steel / brass
Semi-rigid light guides, GLS1 / GLS2 / GLS3 | Type: GLS1, Description: 1-armed, arm length 800 mm, active Ø 4.5 mm, Material: Steel / brass
Merk: Starlight Opto-ElectronicsBeschikbaar in 11 variantenThe semi-rigid light guides are available in versions of 1-arm, 2-arms and 3-arms.High flexibility and luminous efficiencyVery good transmissionSpot illuminationLow heat generationFor halogen and LED cold light sourcesAdaptable to cold light sources from all manufacturers
Semi-rigid light guides, GLS1 / GLS2 / GLS3 | Type: GLS2, Description: 2-armed, arm length 400 mm, active Ø 3.2 mm, Material: Steel / brass
Semi-rigid light guides, GLS1 / GLS2 / GLS3 | Type: GLS2, Description: 2-armed, arm length 400 mm, active Ø 3.2 mm, Material: Steel / brass
Merk: Starlight Opto-ElectronicsBeschikbaar in 11 variantenThe semi-rigid light guides are available in versions of 1-arm, 2-arms and 3-arms.High flexibility and luminous efficiencyVery good transmissionSpot illuminationLow heat generationFor halogen and LED cold light sourcesAdaptable to cold light sources from all manufacturers
Semi-rigid light guides, GLS1 / GLS2 / GLS3 | Type: GLS2, Description: 2-armed, arm length 450 mm, active Ø 4.5 mm, Material: Steel / brass
Semi-rigid light guides, GLS1 / GLS2 / GLS3 | Type: GLS2, Description: 2-armed, arm length 450 mm, active Ø 4.5 mm, Material: Steel / brass
Merk: Starlight Opto-ElectronicsBeschikbaar in 11 variantenThe semi-rigid light guides are available in versions of 1-arm, 2-arms and 3-arms.High flexibility and luminous efficiencyVery good transmissionSpot illuminationLow heat generationFor halogen and LED cold light sourcesAdaptable to cold light sources from all manufacturers
Semi-rigid light guides, GLS1 / GLS2 / GLS3 | Type: GLS2, Description: 2-armed, arm length 600 mm, active Ø 4.5 mm, Material: Steel / brass
Semi-rigid light guides, GLS1 / GLS2 / GLS3 | Type: GLS2, Description: 2-armed, arm length 600 mm, active Ø 4.5 mm, Material: Steel / brass
Merk: Starlight Opto-ElectronicsBeschikbaar in 11 variantenThe semi-rigid light guides are available in versions of 1-arm, 2-arms and 3-arms.High flexibility and luminous efficiencyVery good transmissionSpot illuminationLow heat generationFor halogen and LED cold light sourcesAdaptable to cold light sources from all manufacturers
Semi-rigid light guides, GLS1 / GLS2 / GLS3 | Type: GLS2, Description: 2-armed, arm length 600+800 mm, active Ø 4.5 mm, Material: Steel / brass
Semi-rigid light guides, GLS1 / GLS2 / GLS3 | Type: GLS2, Description: 2-armed, arm length 600+800 mm, active Ø 4.5 mm, Material: Steel / brass
Merk: Starlight Opto-ElectronicsBeschikbaar in 11 variantenThe semi-rigid light guides are available in versions of 1-arm, 2-arms and 3-arms.High flexibility and luminous efficiencyVery good transmissionSpot illuminationLow heat generationFor halogen and LED cold light sourcesAdaptable to cold light sources from all manufacturers

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