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Digital viscometer VISCO / VISCO-895 | Type: VISCO Package B
Digital viscometer VISCO / VISCO-895 | Type: VISCO Package B
Merk: ATAGO CO.,LTDBeschikbaar in 6 variantenCompact and easily carried with one hand. Fully digital display allows for anyone to easily read results. Capable to measure with only a small amount of sample. Easy set-up and simple, one-button operation. Capable of taking measurements with containers other than the included beakers.VISCO-895: Aluminium model with reduced weight (895 g).Scope of supply:VISCO / VISCO-895 Package A: Viscometer with adapter for cups, 50 paper cups and 50 plastic cupsVISCO / VISCO-895 Package B: Viscometer with Ultra Low Adapter for low viscosity samples (1 to 2000 mPas)
Digital viscometer VISCO / VISCO-895 | Type: VISCO-895
Digital viscometer VISCO / VISCO-895 | Type: VISCO-895
Merk: ATAGO CO.,LTDBeschikbaar in 6 variantenCompact and easily carried with one hand. Fully digital display allows for anyone to easily read results. Capable to measure with only a small amount of sample. Easy set-up and simple, one-button operation. Capable of taking measurements with containers other than the included beakers.VISCO-895: Aluminium model with reduced weight (895 g).Scope of supply:VISCO / VISCO-895 Package A: Viscometer with adapter for cups, 50 paper cups and 50 plastic cupsVISCO / VISCO-895 Package B: Viscometer with Ultra Low Adapter for low viscosity samples (1 to 2000 mPas)
Digital viscometer VISCO / VISCO-895 | Type: VISCO-895 Package A
Digital viscometer VISCO / VISCO-895 | Type: VISCO-895 Package A
Merk: ATAGO CO.,LTDBeschikbaar in 6 variantenCompact and easily carried with one hand. Fully digital display allows for anyone to easily read results. Capable to measure with only a small amount of sample. Easy set-up and simple, one-button operation. Capable of taking measurements with containers other than the included beakers.VISCO-895: Aluminium model with reduced weight (895 g).Scope of supply:VISCO / VISCO-895 Package A: Viscometer with adapter for cups, 50 paper cups and 50 plastic cupsVISCO / VISCO-895 Package B: Viscometer with Ultra Low Adapter for low viscosity samples (1 to 2000 mPas)
Digital viscometer VISCO / VISCO-895 | Type: VISCO-895 Package B
Digital viscometer VISCO / VISCO-895 | Type: VISCO-895 Package B
Merk: ATAGO CO.,LTDBeschikbaar in 6 variantenCompact and easily carried with one hand. Fully digital display allows for anyone to easily read results. Capable to measure with only a small amount of sample. Easy set-up and simple, one-button operation. Capable of taking measurements with containers other than the included beakers.VISCO-895: Aluminium model with reduced weight (895 g).Scope of supply:VISCO / VISCO-895 Package A: Viscometer with adapter for cups, 50 paper cups and 50 plastic cupsVISCO / VISCO-895 Package B: Viscometer with Ultra Low Adapter for low viscosity samples (1 to 2000 mPas)
Digital Wine Refractometer, Type WM-7 | Type: 3415-WM-7, Measuring range: 0,0 - 45,0% Brix 0,0 - 26,0% T.A. 1990 0,0 - 25,0% T.A. 1971 0 - 240° Oe (Ger) 0,0 - 40,0°KMW 0,0 - 210°Baume, Graduations: 0,1% Brix 0,1% 0,1% 1° 0,1° 0,1°
Digital Wine Refractometer, Type WM-7 | Type: 3415-WM-7, Measuring range: 0,0 - 45,0% Brix 0,0 - 26,0% T.A. 1990 0,0 - 25,0% T.A. 1971 0 - 240° Oe (Ger) 0,0 - 40,0°KMW 0,0 - 210°Baume, Graduations: 0,1% Brix 0,1% 0,1% 1° 0,1° 0,1°
Merk: ATAGO CO.,LTDThe WM-7 is a digital pocket wine refractometer with 7 scales, developed for the simple, rapid and precise measurement of grape must.Measuring ranges: Brix, T.A., Oe, KMW, Baum
Digital-Brix-Acidity-Refractometer (Pear & Kosui) Master Kit PAL-BX/ACID12, 0.0-60.0% Brix, 0.10-4.00%
Digital-Brix-Acidity-Refractometer (Pear & Kosui) Master Kit PAL-BX/ACID12, 0.0-60.0% Brix, 0.10-4.00%
Digital-Hand-Refractometer PAL-106S sodium chloride 0,0 - 33,0%
Digital-Hand-Refractometer PAL-106S sodium chloride 0,0 - 33,0%
Digital-Hand-Refractometer PAL-COFFEE (TDS) 0.00 bis 22.00% TDS
Digital-Hand-Refractometer PAL-COFFEE (TDS) 0.00 bis 22.00% TDS
Digital-Hand-Refractometer PAL-COFFEE 0.00 - 25.00% Brix
Digital-Hand-Refractometer PAL-COFFEE 0.00 - 25.00% Brix
Digital-Hand-Refractometer PAL-Gin
Digital-Hand-Refractometer PAL-Gin
Elicon tube 2m outer dia 13mm, inner dia 7mm
Elicon tube 2m outer dia 13mm, inner dia 7mm
Fan Filter
Fan Filter

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