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Deep-well plate system, Riplate® | Type: Square-well 96, PP - 2ml, U-shaped well-bottom
Deep-well plate system, Riplate® | Type: Square-well 96, PP - 2ml, U-shaped well-bottom
Brand: Ritter GmbHAvailable in 13 variantsRiplate® round wells - Standard in MultifunctionRaised wells reduce the risk of cross-contamination and increase the security of hot sealing or sealing with adhesive foils. Riplate® 1ml is ideal for use in a thermocycler or for defrosting of samples in a hot-water bath. The U-shaped well bottom reduces the death-volume.Riplate® square wells - For a Maximum in CapacityRiplate® SW have been developed for optimal use of capacity when it comes to sample storage. Due to the SBS-format the outside dimensions of Riplate® are given. Form follows function: the construction of cavities is crucial for a maximum absorption of liquids.Riplate® medio - Saves 50% of Storage CapacityDue to the compact construction of Riplate® medio less than 50% stacking size is needed. Higher well rims allow an airtight closure or sealing of Riplate® medio. The alphanumeric marking allows registration and identification of single assays.Riplate® 384 - Optimized for Smaller VolumesAvailable in PS and PP for automated screening and storage systems. Alphanumeric marking for identification of samples. Round cavities for reduced capillary forces. With flat well-bottom - ideal for microscopic and optical applications.Field of application: screening, sample storage et al. Ritter Riplate® systems are in line with the SBS-standard and are suitalbe for automation systems with corresponding closing- and sealing-mechanism.

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